Welcome to the molecular plasmonics lab at Eindhoven University of Technology. We are continuously looking for PhD students and postdocs with an interest in biosensing, plasmonics & photonics, and single-molecule microscopy. In addition to the positions advertised on the site, there is of course always the option to arrange short or longer-term visits of our group, or to apply for grants on an individual basis. Please contact Peter Zijlstra if you are interested!
We are an interdisciplinary team of physicists and chemists that develop approaches for single-molecule sensing Our research particularly focuses on single-molecule biosensing using nanoplasmonic and nanophotonic approaches. Read more about our work on our research pages.
Recent news
Grant awarded for metasurface sensors
The Molecular Plasmonics group has been awarded an €800,000 grant in the…
Poster prize for Koen Valk
Congratulations to Koen Valk for winning the poster prize for societal relevance…
MP group joins the ICMS Advanced Microscopy Facility
Our group relies on various advanced optical and tip-mediated microscopy techniques to…
Single DNA-molecules interacting fast!
Congratulations to Sjoerd Nooteboom for achieving a difficult goal: he probed the…