Picture: dr. Mrigank Singh Verma working on a custom-built light-sheet microscope at TU/e. Copyright by Yuyang Wang
Our group relies on various advanced optical and tip-mediated microscopy techniques to visualize the interaction of light and matter on the nanoscale. Our group’s efforts are greatly enhanced through by joining ICMS’s advanced microscopy facility, a hub of advanced microscopy tools dedicated to interdisciplinary research. The facility, led by Dr. Yuyang Wang, is equipped with state-of-the-art imaging systems designed for the exploration of complex molecular systems. Our equipment will become part of the facility and thereby accessible to users outside the group. Together, we work on the application of advanced microscopy techniques in nanophotonic biosensing and super-resolution microscopy. To learn more about our research and the microscopy techniques behind it, visit the facility website: https://superresolution.nl , and feel free to contact dr. Peter Zijlstra and dr. Yuyang Wang for more opportunities!
DOI link: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0055135 Michael A. Beuwer, Peter Zijlstra* Single metallic particles and dimers of nanospheres have been used extensively for sensing, but dimers of particles provide attractive advantages because they...
Peter, together with Lorenzo Albertazzi, wrote a book about the use of single-molecule and super-resolution microscopy for materials science. The book is geared toward physical chemistry backgrounds. It contains five...
All-Optical Imaging of Gold Nanoparticle Geometry Using Super-Resolution Microscopy Adam Taylor, Rene Verhoef, Michael Beuwer, Yuyang Wang, and Peter Zijlstra DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b12473 We demonstrate the all-optical reconstruction of gold nanoparticle...