Congratulations to Koen Valk for winning the poster prize for societal relevance at the Integrated Photonics retreat at the Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute. Well deserved!
Congratulations to Sjoerd Nooteboom for achieving a difficult goal: he probed the binding kinetics of single DNA molecules on microsecond timescales using single gold particles as nanoantenna. He engineered the...
Dynamic single-molecule counting for the quantification and optimization of nanoparticle functionalization protocols DOI: Matěj Horáček, Dion J. Engels, Peter Zijlstra Applications of colloidal particles in the fields of i.e. biosensors, molecular...
Together with Yuyang Wang at the ICMS microscopy facility we have developed a microscopy approach to visualize and track local organization in dynamic polymeric materials. The approach uses a polarization-sensitive...