These positions have been filled.
We are excited to announce that two PhD vacancies are available for application at the molecular plasmonics group in Eindhoven University of Technology.
- PhD position on correlative super-resolution microscopy of nanoparticles (V34.4269)
- PhD position on responsive nanoplasmonic sensors (V34.4270)
The two PhD positions are supported by The SuperCol Innovative Training Network (ITN, 15 PhD positions in total), which will combine super-resolution microscopy, colloidal sciences, and advanced modelling to (a) control, (b) visualize and quantify, and (c) rationally design surface-functionality to advance particle-based biomedical applications.
The SuperCol project is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN) under grant No.860914.
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